Help ! Termites Inside of House!
Known as silent destroyers, termites have the capability of causing serious damages to property. These insects are known to live in larger social groups known as colonies. These are always hungry so the feed 24 hours every day. These termites can also invade different properties. Termites inside of house are common scenarios these days and these are giving individuals real headache and stress.
What Causes Termites Inside of House
It’s true that termites are drawn into woods however; there are still other considerable factors that may lead to termite infestation. The following are the common causes of termites infestation:
The subterranean termites that build their colonies into the soil are often attracted to moisture. The standing water around or in the foundation of your home is said to create attractive environment for termites. The leaky pipes should also be addressed prior to creating possibilities for termite infestation. Roof gutters should also be cleaned and take necessary steps to make sure that there are proper drainage in your home. You also need to check if your foundation is properly ventilated. Remove or trim back any landscaping that can allow humidity to easily build up in the crawl space of your home.
Wood or Wooden Structures that Come in Contact with Your Home
Termites inside of house can also result from wood or wooden structures that come in contact with your home. Even if your home or the soil between the ground has already been treated by pest control experts, woods remain as bridges between these two and might create points of entries for termites. These insects typically feed on cellulose, a known component in woods. Woods that come in contact with your property create opportunities for termites to infiltrate your home so you better remove vines, trellises, mulch and stumps from the foundation of your home. You also have to note that your roof can also be prone to infestation.
Openings in Roof , Walls and other Foundations of the Home
In search for food and moisture, termites take advantage of breaches in the integrity of your home. Even those cracks in the concrete’s foundation provide opportunities for termites to collect materials for construction of mud tubes, the tunnel where termites travel for their food foraging. To get rid of termites, inspect the windows and entry doors and then reapply caulk where any may be missing or distressed. Remember that even simple fixes can actually help in protecting your home for termite infestation.
Aside from these, there are still other factors that cause termite infestation such as geography and more. In case you notice termite damages which have not been repaired or you suspect that your own home poses termite problems, contact professional termite controller as soon as possible and ask for expert opinion and most recommended solutions.
Helpful Tips to Prevent Termites Inside the House
Termite infestation is one of the major problems dealt with by lots of homeowners these days. Surely, individuals can use products to eliminate these pests but there are instances that products are insufficient. Before things turn out worst, it’s highly imperative to get rid of termites as soon as possible. The following are helpful ways to consider:
Prevent Unnecessary Moisture
One of the highly suggested ways of preventing termite infestation at home is preventing unnecessary moisture. Termites are particularly attracted by moist fir this is the best temperature to bread on. To get rid of termites inside your home, you need to make sure that your home is moist-free. To do this, you need to properly maintain your home fixtures and pipes. You also need to check on your AC units and work on the leaks.
Fill Gaps and Cracks
Another way to get rid of termites at home is to properly fill gaps and cracks at home. Aside from termites, other pests like cockroaches, bed bugs and ants might as well enter your home through these gaps and cracks. Filling these cracks is therefore vital to ensure that your home is free from termites and other uninvited pests.
Secure Vents
It’s also important for homeowners to properly secure their vents at home. Just like gaps and cracks, termites can also enter the home easily through vents. By securing your vents, you are able to reduce the possibility of these pests entering your home.
Prevent Storing Woods Near Your Home
Most homeowners usually enjoy wonderful meals under the lovely moon at night. This activity is more enjoyable by making bon fires from woods. That being said, it would be best to stop storing woods near your home and it’s also important to properly dispose the wooden debris in your property.
Maintain Shrubs and Trees on Properties
Homeowners must also maintain shrubs and trees on their properties. These can actually make properties more appealing however; there are instances when shrubs and trees become the major reasons why termites bread on your property. It is therefore highly essential to maintain these and to also get rid of the dead branches.
These are just few of the many ways on how to get rid of termites and prevent infestation. If you take time to search, you will discover more.
Seeking Help from Experts
If all other ways for termite prevention and control no longer work for you, it would be the best time to commit with the experts. You can contact a trusted professional pest control company specializing in termite control.
One of the benefits of hiring professional termite control exterminator is lasting and the naturally derived way to extermination. Other benefits are:
- Thorough inspection
- Save time, money and effort
- Safety of the individuals during termite control processes
- Proper lawn care
- Guaranteed effectiveness
Termites inside of house can never survive in invading your property until the end if you are well-aware of the right ways on how to properly get rid of them. So if you want to ensure a termite-free property, follow the tips given above or seek for professional help from a trusted pest control company.