
Treebark Termite and Pest Control Brea

Once a center of oil production and citrus growing, today Brea, California gains acclaim due to its impressive shopping centers. If you’ve resided in this area for any period of time, you’ve probably heard property owners discussing a seemingly unlikely subject: termites in Brea. In addition to its busy storefronts, our community hosts several pest control firms.

At first glance, termites might seem out of place in this well-developed location. Yet most of Orange County displays environmental conditions suitable for termite colonies. If you own real estate in Brea, you’ll want to learn as much as possible about this unusual topic. How are termites treated by most pest control firms? Why do these tiny insects alarm real estate industry professionals so much?

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Termite Damage: A Real Threat

In fact, around the world termites cause billions of dollars of losses every single year. Americans spend significant sums annually seeking to control this pest. As wood-eating insects, termites possess the ability to literally consume housing. Investing hundreds of thousands of dollars in an attractive Brea property, only to lose money upon re-sale due to the presence of an insect infestation, can prove truly heart-wrenching.


Termite colonies can weaken fences, decks, outbuildings and houses. They potentially cause damage wherever wooden structures arise. In the wild, termites perform a valuable service by eating through rotting wood and helping to aerate the soil (much like earthworms). Yet when they move into a residential development, the destruction caused by termites may alarm homeowners and public safety officials alike.

Consequences of Termite Infestations

Just consider a few of the possible consequences of termite infestations in a residential property. The list demonstrates even very small insects can sometimes poses a staggering financial threat:

Termite colonies often build unsightly mud tube tracks along foundations and exterior walls;
These insects may necessitate expensive home repairs to replace damaged structures, such as decks, stairs or subflooring;
Termite activity weakens the integrity of wood, making accidental damage to wooden boards, stairs or roofs a possibility;
Residents and visitors sometimes sustain accidents in termite-infested dwellings, when weak spots develop in flooring or when rickety, unstable stairs or balconies collapse;
If left unchecked, termites cause financial losses by shortening the effective lifespan of a wood-frame house or building.
Different Types of Termite Treatment Measures


Termite infestations obviously warrant a homeowner’s prompt attention. Yet in the past, residents of Brea have sometimes hesitated to request pest control assistance in a timely manner. Many reasons account for this situation:

If you read termite control reviews, you’ll notice pesticide companies years ago often used highly toxic termite control measures; these products sometimes also posed a health risk for exposed humans or their family pets;
Termites frequently reappear months or years after a property undergoes effective pest control treatments;
Since termites spend a lot of time burrowing inside wood, they tend to remain unseen; even significant infestations occur silently, so residents may not realize a home suffers from termites.

Our company relies upon an innovative product whose idea is obtained from the bark of a tree called “Ryania speciosa.” This plant has served as a source for several different pesticides and insecticides in the past. but with modern technology scientists were able to replicate the compounds making Chloranthriprole

Use Minimally Invasive, Safe Products

Homeowners in Brea sometimes ask us: “How are termites treated by your company?” In the quantities we apply, the termite treatments we use won’t harm people or their pets, it says so right on the bottle. Unlike companies which tent homes to fumigate for termites, we don’t ask residents to leave the premises (even temporarily). Online termite control reviews sometimes complain about the disruptions caused by different types of termite treatment methods. We proudly offer one of the least disruptive, yet most effective, forms of treatment!


You’ll appreciate our naturally derived, reliable termite control products. Ask us to protect your home and yard in Brea if you have sustained an infestation of wood-eating insects. Our treatments won’t inconvenience your household, but they’ll help safeguard your property against costly termite damage.

Request a Free Estimate Now

By asking us to check for the presence of termites on a regular basis, you’ll help secure your financial investment in your Brea, California residence. A free termite inspection costs nothing; by contrast, failing to detect the presence of termites and initiate reliable corrective action could prove expensive!

We offer free termite inspections upon request in Brea. To reserve this service, simply call us at 714-406-4919 today.

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