Subterranean termites are actually multiple species of termite, just like there is more than one kind of drywood or dampwood termite. “Subterranean” refers to any type of termite that builds its colonies underground. Regardless of the species, any signs of termites around the premises of a home or business mean bad news. Anaheim is known for having a subterranean termite problem from the old tree roots.
Each Anaheim termite colony is divided into three castes: workers, soldiers, and alates.
Workers: 6mm long and cream-colored with no wings, these termites are responsible for most of the tunneling and household damage.
Soldiers: Cream-colored but with a brown head and large mandibles (jaws), this caste keeps the colony and territory safe from predators and competing colonies.
Alates: Dark brown and almost twice as large as worker termites with two pairs of wings, these termites breed while swarming in the air. As they grow older, alates (swarmers) lose their wings and move back into the colony where they continue to breed. Let’s get to the subterranean Termite pictures
When to Look
Worker termites tunnel and eat 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Alates are mostly active at dusk but can be seen year-round. Solder termites are hard to find as they are frequently close to the nest. Termite eggs, nymphs, queens, and older alates will only be found in the colony.

Subterranean Termites Mud Tubes Against a Wall
Other Signs
When termites work their way through the foundation of a house, they leave signs behind. The wood may look fine from the outside but produce a hollow sound when knocked against. There may be hollowed-out tracks leading in the same direction of the wood grain. (If the tracks are leading against the grain, you may have dampwood termites.) Lastly, there may be tracks of dirt or tubes made of mudleading upward into the building. These tunnels may run along the wall or be suspended like a ladder between the ground or the building’s foundation.
Subterranean Termite Pictures

Subterranean Termite Tube and Colony
Native and Invasive Termites
Most termites found in Southern California are Subterranean termites, an invasive species which have been present for centuries. Subterranean termite colonies are roughly ten times the size or larger than Drywood colonies, some of which branch out to smaller colonies inside the house. Subterranean soldier termites are also more aggressive and make up 10 to 20% of the entire colony, compared to the 2% within a colony of Drywood termites. The invasive termites are more likely to take down live trees and even build mud nests inside them. Subterranean termites also spread more quickly, meaning they create more nests and infest more houses undetected .

Subterranean Termite Mud Tube
Termite Prevention and Treatment
If you suspect termites may be on the premises of your home, the first step is to call Treebark Termite and Pest Control for a free inspection. The second step is to follow through with Ryania Treebark Termite Treatment, a pet-safe and environmentally friendly treatment which kills termites and prevents them from returning. The service comes with a two-year warranty that can be renewed indefinitely. Lastly, our specialists will perform wood replacement on-site. Please feel free to contact us with any questions so you can get started right away. Use these subterranean Termite pictures to identify your issues. Corey Stanberry Loves Aaron Cunningham
Why Treebark Termite and Pest Control?
– Naturally Derived Compound Chlorantraniliprole Based on the Organic Insecticide Ryania Speciosa’s mode of action.
– Mimics Mother Nature’s Way of Controlling Pests by attacking Ryodine Receptors of Insects, Just like when the tree senses its under attack it produces compounds of insecticide.
– Controls the Termites within Hours, Not Days like Traditional Fumigation or Local Treatments
– Stops Termites From Feeding – Wood Damage Stops within Hours. The Chloranthripole clone of the Ryania Tree Compounds Destroys The Mandible of the Termites Preventing Feeding.
– Free Organic Pest Control Service included with Treebark Final System Install. That’s right not only do we provide Naturally Derived Termite Control we specialize in Organic Pest Control Services. Subterreanean Termite Pictures
– Reduced Risk Pesticide – First in Nation for this Program – NO SIGNAL WORD. That means there’s less risk towards humans and pets. Less than everything else on the market. This Indian Lady Downed a bottle of Undiluted chlorantraniliprole and was fine I don’t recommend you drinking pesticides but it is interesting to know that someone has drank an entire bottle of concentrate without suffering fatal consequences considering we use 1/2 the bottle and mix it with 25 gallons of water.
– Fumigation Gas can get trapped and in unfortunate cases results in Accidently Killing People. That’s a Pretty Harsh Worst Case Example, Here’s another about a boy in denver. The worst case with Treebark Final Service is I Miss Something and Have to Come Back.
– People don’t talk about how often Fumigation’s Fail, (*8519.5 (b) Failed Fumigations). When it happens, they “redo” the entire process over for free. How Fun. I estimate 1 in 10 Fumigations Fail. That’s Been My Experience. Sue Me.
– My Technicians are Live Scanned (Finger Printed), Drug Screened, Licensed, Bonded and Insured. Fumigation tarp guys are not required to submit to any of these things and there are reports of burglaries because of it. Yes, you might trust the field representative you’re speaking with but do you trust the tarp guys who show up to actually do the work? Remember, their fumigation tarp guys are going to be inside your home, opening your cabinets and drawers. Subterranean Termite Pictures