What are Formosan Termites? – A Complete Guide about Formosans

Have you heard about the term Formosan termites?  Or do you even know what are Formosan termites?  If not, then it is understandable. Formosan termites are not as known as Subterranean termites and Drywood termites.  To deal with Formosan termites, you need to know about them. Here in this post, we will talk about Formosan termites. We will teach every basic thing you need to know about this pest.

What are Formosan Termites?

Formosan termites are troublesome termite species. They are very voracious and aggressive termites. These pests are capable of leveling a house faster than any native subterranean termite specie.  Formosan termites are highly destructive pests. That is why they are called  “super-termites”.  They eat through wood, flooring, walls, furniture, and wallpaper. If left unnoticed, they will cause huge to your properties.

What Formosan Termites Look Like?

Formosan termites are easy to distinguish as compared to other termite species.  Unlike other termites, their mandibles lack teeth.  They have a narrower thorax than the width of their head. The head width of workers is around 1.2-1.3 mm. The body length is around 4-5 mm. The soldiers are the same size as the workers, except for their orange-brown oval heads. Soldiers also have whitish bodies and curved mandibles. Soldiers also secrete white glue secretion when attacking.  The alates are often yellowish-brown. Alates are 12-15mm in length.

What are Formosan Termites’ Distribution Areas?

Formosan termites came from China. Due to the shipping industry, Formosan termites have reached the rest of the world.  They live in warm and humid environments. In the US, Formosan termites are found mostly in the southern-central states. They have also reached the far north, including Canada. Perhaps, it became possible due to the changing climates.

What are Formosan Termites’ Habits?

Formosan termites are quite similar to their subterranean cousins. Formosans tunnel within the soil. They build huge underground colonies with an average of 350,000 workers. They also build underground networks and create mud tubes. Formosan termites make these structures in order to obtain food. Because of their nature, these termites are hardly noticeable.

Formosan termites are also very active termites. They build nests quickly and can form colonies within three months. They thrive in many habitats, so long as they have enough moisture. Formosan termites also build carton nests. A carton nest is an ovoid structure that resembles a cardboard or paper-mâché. A carton nest is made from wooden bits and the termite’s fecal matter.

Formosan termites are quite difficult to detect. Thus, you need a regular termite inspection. A regular inspection will help you detect early signs of Formosan termite infestation. This will prevent the extensive damage they can bring to your home.


Hello, I am Aaron Cunningham. I have been in Termite Control for over 20 years. I started as a door to door canvasser for Kilter Termite and Pest Control. I worked my way up over 15 years to that of a manager position within the company. I left in 2016 to start my own company on the principal that I could do it better. We have been blessed by acquiring top talent in the industry. Our team is stronger, faster and smarter than the average termite company. Please support our mission of becoming the leading provider of safe termite and pest control services. You can find my Licenses Here: Aaron Cunningham

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