5 Clever Ways to Get Rid of Mice
There are many good reasons to create homemade mouse traps rather than purchasing them at the store. For one, do-it-yourself traps are cheaper than store-bought ones and make use of objects that are just lying around the house. For another, homemade traps are typically more humane and trap mice without hurting them.
3 Signs of Termite Infestation
Identifying Termite Infestation No one wants to think about what might be living in their crawlspace, but the cost is too high to ignore the possibility of a termite infestation. If you and your family live in Orange County, Los Angeles, or Southern California, your home is at risk of termite infestation. Treebark Termite and
Are Termites Attracted To Light?
Termites, both Subterranean and Drywood are attracted to light sources. The reason is because their entire lives are spent inside of wood (Drywood read dark) or underground (Subterranean also dark). Their experiences with light sources are:
Subterranean Termite Pictures and Information
Subterranean termites are actually multiple species of termite, just like there is more than one kind of drywood or dampwood termite. “Subterranean” refers to any type of termite that builds its colonies underground. Regardless of the species, any signs of termites around the premises of a home or business mean bad news. Anaheim is known
3 Quick and Final Treatments for Black Widows in the Home
Nobody wants dangerous spiders in their home, and black widows are among the most dangerous. Not only is their bite often deadly, black widows are known for hiding in obscure places, making them hard to spot. It is rare for a black widow to bite a person, child, or pet, but when it happens, the
3 Reasons Pest Control is Always Worth the Price
Infestations are many things. They are gross, they are invasive, and they are stressful. It is normal to worry about the cost and wonder if it is better to avoid calling pest control altogether. Calling pest control may not be as fun as buying new stuff, but especially when it comes to destructive pests like
3 Infestations that May be Putting Your Home in Danger
It can be hard to keep a home in top shape in Orange County, and pests are not making it any easier. The dry climate brings on its own unique problems, not the least of which are these three home-wrecking pests. 1. Termites When thinking about infestations that endanger the house, most Orange County homeowners