Garden Grove

Termite Control Companies in Garden Grove

While there are several termite control companies in Orange County, none provide a similar method of termite treatments without fumigation. Treebark Termite and Pest Control are unique in that our Treebark Treatment naturally derived product effectively rids your home of all the types of termites. Most of our competitors are likely to perform one of the types of Termite Control Treatments below. We find that Termite Control in Garden Grove doesn’t have to be about fumigating your home, we explain below

Treebark Termite and Pest Control Garden Grove

12011 Emerald Lane, Garden Grove, California - 92845 United States

(714) 406-4809

Schedule Free Inspection
Amanda Tincher
Our place was badly infested when I arrived! I admire how the treebark team made it worth spending a vacation in just a month!
Elmer Steele
5 stars without any doubt. We are satisfied with the pest control work.
Kimberly Neal
Just wanted to thank them for the best pest control work! Highly recommended.
Fiona Walsh
My quarterly pest control services ditched me yesterday and it was difficult to find any other reliable services. My neighbor suggested, Treebark and I reached out to them. Quick response, on-time arrival, and no complaints as such with their services. Well done, team.
Hosea Olson
Thanks a lot, Treebark team. It was prompt pest control work done by you guys.
Molly Coleman
Their team did an effective job of making my house ant-free. Fabulous services.
Joann Tope
I contacted and hired you for pest control. I am thankful to you for letting my shop get rid of these rats and the damages done by them. Good work.
Treebark guys called me thrice to make sure pest issues are sorted. Loved their professionalism.
Jeff Johnson
Kudos to the treebark team that co-ordinated so well during the entire fumigation process of my house to avoid any delays.
Virginia Serra
The way they inspect the pest-targeted areas and sweep them off is commendable. Team was well aware of the customer expectations.
Troy Spencer
The pest control work was completed before time. What else could I have asked for. Definitely great service.
Josefina Gonzales
Excellent work, team!! I am happy with how quick you were in pest controlling my entire house.
Scott Wahl
The rodents left a mysterious and foul-smelling greasy mark on the floor, like a trail. It was getting unbearable, and I had to call treebark. They found the rodents and their tiny territory all over my house! Finally, no more rodents.
Lilith Allen
Thank you so much. There are no pests left in the house. Happy.
Mathieu Pelletier
Hired them to fumigate the office and to get rid of mosquitoes. Glad to see your timely arrival. 5/5.
Next Reviews

Fumigation AKA Tenting

Fumigation is a Drywood Termite only termite treatment. The home is covered in heavy tarps and clipped together with industrial strength clamps. These heavy tarps, unfortunately, lead to roof damage for homes with tile. Sulfuryl Fluoride is the gas used in Fumigations. Sulfuryl Fluoride is an oxygen-displacing gas that kills via suffocation. One breath of this powerful oxygen-displacing neurotoxin and you will become unconscious. The problem with this treatment is that it only works for Drywood Termites leaving your home vulnerable to an underlying Subterranean Termite issue. 1 of 2 is a failing grade in my opinion.

Localized Termite Treatments AKA Spot treatment

Spot Treatments are one of the more preferred termite control treatments outside of fumigation because of its ability to control Drywood and Subterranean Termites. My complaint against these types of procedures and the companies who provide them centers around their warranties and materials. Often you will find the local treatment companies warranty the areas of treatment, not the entire home. These leads homeowners into feeling nickeled and dimed as each new area discovered requires additional treatment at an additional cost. Spot treatments earn a failing grade in my book.

How Is Treebark Termite and Pest Control Different with The Treebark Treatment System?


Our system incorporates elements of all common termite and pest control treatments to you in one complete system. All while using non-invasive materials safe for the kids and pets to be around. Our system does use the harsh pesticides. Our System Controls All the types of Termites not just one or the other. The warranty covers the entire home from returning pests and scheduled (3x!) visits are free during the warranty period. Our competitors offer warranties on an annual basis often inspecting one time per year. With Treebark, we see your home 4x a year to check and reapply the barrier. If you see anything throughout the year, we will send an inspector to identify and retreat within 24 hours!

Termite Inspection Garden Grove

One way to nip a termite infestation in the bud is to perform regular inspection. Among other things, a periodic termite inspection of your property will let you discover an infestation and take effective action before it becomes bigger. There are many Termite inspection methods homeowners can make use of.

While you can do a termite inspection yourself, you should know that pest control companies have the resources and training to do a thorough job for you, especially if you have a big property.

Inspection can be done whether you notice termite activity or not. Termites often operate away from where you can easily notice them. The subterranean termites, for example, live some inches below the ground surface. By the time you become aware of their activities, serious damages may have been done.

DIY Termite Inspection Methods

Indoor Inspection

The primary source of wood for termite is wood – decaying wood, soft wood. So it makes sense to start your inspection from wherever you have wood or wooden frames in the house, especially where these are in contact with the floor. For this task, you will need basic tools like a flashlight, a hammer, and a screwdriver. You will also need gloves and a dust mask.

Check the base of the interior walls. Look out for small mounds of dirt near wooden frames and mud tubes on the wall.
When you see something unusual on a wood, hit the particular spot with the hammer if it caves in or sounds hollow, termites may be at work.

Be careful not to damage your property because I have done that myself.

Take extra care when you’re inspecting the kitchen, bathroom or any other room where water is used regularly. Termites’ colonies thrive near water sources. Just like humans, termites need water to live.

Outdoor inspection

Check around the foundation walls for mud tubes and termite tunnels. Take time to check well woods resting on the ground. Since moisture will naturally draw termite, check out spots near pipes and water leaks. Check firewood stacks and move them far away from the house.

Termite Inspection by Pest Control Companies


If you think the above is too much work, then you can employ the help of pest control companies who make use of a combination of termite inspection methods to help you detect and eliminate termite colonies that are targeting your home. This kind of inspection is always much more thorough since the company takes into cognizance a lot of factors which might not be clear to you.

One common method used by pest control firms is to set up monitoring stations around your property. Do not let anyone perform termite control in garden grove ca using baits. It is the worst idea. It brings termites to your house. When we detect termite activity, the monitoring station may give way to a bait station. Or the company may decide to use chemicals to eliminate termites on your property. If you will be taking the pest control company route then be ready to cough out some cash.

Conclusion Regarding Termite Control in Garden Grove

A regular inspection now can surely save you thousands of dollars in damages later, and the good thing is you can do this yourself using any of the termite inspection methods outlined in this post. Termite control in Garden Grove isn’t fumigating your house every time the neighborhood has a termite swarm. It’s about maintaining your property for the decades you plan on living in it. We hope you choose our company. Treebark values your business. We hope that you tell your friends and family about us because it really helps our small business grow. Thank you for stopping by our website and reading our pages. Rather than wait, I hope you decide to pick up the phone and call us for service.


Have a great day. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you or your family regarding termite control. Rather than go with Terminix please choose us, it means more to small businesses.