Subterranean termites are particular types of termites that can certainly cause serious damages to wood if left unresolved and untreated. Good thing is that there is surely one possible and proven effective treatment for Subterranean termites available today that you can consider to help you prevent or completely get rid of termite infestation.
Choosing the Best Treatment for Subterranean Termites that Suit Your Situation
The Subterranean termite treatments have dramatically changed over the last 2 decades and there are many products, application techniques and treatment options that individuals can use for more effective termite control.
Subterranean termites are now widespread and since these pests are ultimately abundant, prevention alone is not enough. The following are possible choices of treatment for Subterranean termites that you can follow now to save your property from the serious damages caused by termite infestation.
- Liquid Termiticide Application
The liquid termiticide is commonly applied underneath and around a particular structure completely covering areas that termites may gain access. For all those new constructions, this application is being accomplished through treating foundation walls and graded soil prior to pouring the slab. For existing buildings, perimeter of foundation is drilled and trenched and treated with termiticide. The main goal of this treatment is to put chemical blanket between the soil, the termite and the above structure. This chemical blanket can also affect the termites inside the building by means of getting rid of their successful returns into the soil. In many instances, termites die because of dehydration.
Repellent Termiticide
There are actually various repellent termiticides offered in the market today. These are entirely pyrethroids or known as fast-acting nerve poisons which are ultimately toxic to the termites however, have low toxicity on mammals. These are also highly repellent to termite and in many instances, repellent enough that termites tend to rummage underground and avoid coming in contact with forage and termiticide elsewhere. But still, individuals have to note that this treatment for Subterranean termites has its own sets of disadvantages and advantages. One of the biggest advantages of this treatment option is that this can effectively prevent termites from coming into the property or structure.
- Termite Baits
If you wanted to take a different approach to termite control, you can consider termite baits. Rather than trying to protect a particular structure by means of creating chemical blankets between termites and building, termite baiting is a better option because this particularly target the termite themselves. These termite baits are especially designed to eliminate or suppress termites colonies living in soil.
These Subterranean termite treatments are all helpful however; a thorough inspection must first be done by a highly trained and experienced pest management expert. This is a means to figure out the infestation and confirm the best treatments. This management expert will also confirm the effectiveness of the chosen treatment for termites.
But before deciding on the best treatment for Subterranean termites, make sure to weigh your options and discuss it with a professional in this field.