There are a lot of Termite Treatment Options for the Various Species of Termites.
Termites are one of every home owner’s greatest fears. Few things can devalue a home as quickly as termites do. Worst of all you will only notice their presence once they have established a colony inside or beneath your structure. Last year America alone reported over $5 billion worth of termite damage.
The fact that most insurance providers do not cover termite damage as well as repair costs makes it even worse. Home owners often have to bear the cost of the losses caused by these pests alone. Hence it is important to understand the correct termite treatment options for your home. Failure to do this could lead to wastage of time and money on the wrong methods. All this while your home continues to deteriorate.
How do you know your home is infested?
1. Several similar looking wings scattered at the entry areas of your house.
2. The presence of termite droppings in your house. These look like small brown wooden pellets.
3. Soil paths on the outer surfaces of your house. Check the lower areas of your walls.
*Termite infestations are often detected during spring. The warmth and moisture found in this season encourages winged termites to fly to the surface and look for new areas to build colonies. Hence the presence of heaps of scattered wings near your home. It is however important to always be on the lookout for termites. Early detection saves you money on extensive termite treatment options that are needed when the situation becomes serious.
Termite Treatment Options for the Two Types of Species
I) Subterranean Termite Treatment Options
Subterranean Termites build their colonies in the soil as they need moisture to survive. Their colonies can reach up to hundreds of feet beneath the ground. The colonies could be just beneath your home or even hundreds of feet away. Here are the best methods to deal with them:
1. Termiticides –These are sprayed on the soil around and beneath the house. They can also be injected into the wood that termites come into contact with. Termiticides immediately kill all the termites that come into contact with it. They also provide barriers between the house and the termite colonies beneath it. Their effects usually last for up to 5 years.
2. Baits –Termite baits are placed in areas with greater termite activity. The baits contain food that attracts the insects. The food contains poison. Once the consume it they carry the poisonous substance back to their colonies. This way the entire community is wiped out. While this method does not give immediate results it ensures that over time no termites survive.
*For the best results these two methods should be used concurrently. That way all the colonies are eradicated and a protective barrier is created against future infestations.
II) Drywood Termite Treatment Options
The Drywood termites are found in warm coastal regions. They live above the soils’ surface in dry wood. Hence the treatment methods have to be able to penetrate the wood they live in. These are:
1. Direct wood treatment
This is where a termiticide is injected into the wood or a liquid termiticide is applied on the wood’s surface. This method is ideal for when infestations are limited to small known parts of the house. The applications are usually targeting the termite’s nests and hence they eliminate the entire colony.
2. Heat treatment
This termite treatment option raises the temperature within the house to levels that termites cannot survive. Heaters are placed in the house and the temperature is raised to between 120 and 1400Farenheit. The temperature in the wood increases to about 1200 Fahrenheit. The termites cannot survive this and hence they die.
3. Extreme Cold Treatment
This is the opposite of heat treatment. Here temperature levels are lowered to extreme levels. Liquid nitrogen is applied to the wood lowering the temperature to 200 Fahrenheit and below. This freezes the ants and the colonies are destroyed.
4. Gas Fumigation Treatment
Gas Fumigation is a very thorough option. It is often used where the infestation has spread to the entire house. This technique should only be carried out by a qualified expert. Once the exterminator arrives they inspect the house for the areas and extent of infestation. They then remove all objects that could be affected negatively by the gas. Once this is done they cover the house with a fumigation tent and then pump the gas into it. The gas is able to penetrate all the corners and the cracks in the home. The gas is toxic to both adult termites and their eggs. This method guarantees complete eradication all around the home.
If you choose to carry out one of these termite treatment options it is important to consult an expert. They will advise you on whether it is the correct option for your home as well as give you the finer details of how you should carry it out. We hope that your termite removal process will be successful.