Huntington Beach

Huntington Beach Termite Control and Pest Control Services

Huntington Beach homes are often easily invaded by Termites, Rats and Pests. The cool ocean breezes that benefit residents during the summer months are also desirable to these Termites and Pests. The closer your home is to the ocean the more likely it is to suffer from Drywood Termites and Dryrot Fungus. If you suspect termites, a free termite inspection is your best move. We offer estimates that come with complimentary brochures. Call Today and one delivered. We have pest control services in Huntington Beach daily and can be out to your home the same day.

Treebark Termite and Pest Control Huntington Beach

17011 Beach Blvd, Suite 900, Huntington Beach, California - 92647 United States.


Schedule Free Inspection
Bellamy Perrault
07:08 09 Jun 20
I am happy that I finally found some company that is doing its best when it comes to cleaning pests. Yes, their folks reached my place on a single call, examined the infected area, and did a fabulous job by killing all the pests at a single attempt.
Tyler johan
11:49 06 Jun 20
These technicians were best to work with. Answered every question and provided us with a robust pest cleaning service. 5 stars without any doubt.
Lavern S. Lewis
16:27 05 Jun 20
These guys really deserve five stars for providing such an excellent pest control service. My entire family is appreciating the work done by these professionals. Especially my daughter is very happy as she can play in the yard again. Thank you!
Jason Lykes
08:43 13 Sep 18
Our property needed a termite exterminator just to improve its resale value. Jeff from Treebark was very friendly and helped us easily go through the process. The next day, he personally came out to handle our issue. It was an amazing job. Priced very fair and great customer service.Thank you Jeff for all your help.Jason Lykes
Evelyn B
00:35 11 Jul 18
Do yourself a favor- get these professional knowledgeable exterminators to help you. They are very knowledgeable, very safe and courteous. These guys are a real class act.
Lawrence H
06:20 06 Apr 18
Had my property in CA treated by Treebark and I am beyond thankful for solving our dilemma. Their service has been excellent. Thank you!
Amira Naomi
05:26 15 Mar 18
These guys did a great job! The inspector arrived on time, he was very informative, professional and quite friendly. I also like the service as well, they respond quickly to my calls, always ready to help, thorough, they take time to explain everything what they'll need to do and the price was pretty competitive. They were able to get rid of the pest effectively within a couple of weeks and I would definitely love to recommend them to my friends and love ones.
Shawna White
01:24 08 Feb 18
Really impressed and so pleased!You get the sense they genuinely care about what they are doing. I have peace knowing that my home is pest free and safeguarded from future infestation.
Timothy L
06:09 11 Jan 18
Special hats off to the service techs who did a significant job and completed it in a timely manner. I will continue using Treebark for preventative treatments in the coming months.
Bert Kraus
00:56 21 Nov 17
Awesome! The gentlemen arrived on time and was very informative and friendly. Overall, they were fast, professional and the price was reasonable.
Ronnie Daley
00:34 07 Nov 17
This is an overdue review however well worth writing. I find them to be excellent. Prompt to return calls, on time, thorough, willing to explain what they are doing and price was reasonable. It's almost 2 months later and I am still pest free ... ahh! I feel so much better. Big thanks!
Crista Leynes
02:39 15 Sep 17
We are very pleased with the extermination on pest done by Treebark Termite and Pest Control. If you want quality and value then this is the company for you.
Ariana Carrillo
07:11 10 Aug 17
It's difficult to rate a pest control company with 5 simple stars. I look for quality in their service, punctuality, professionalism and price. Treebark Termite and Pest Control seems to hit all of these criteria. Highly recommended!
Nicole Little
03:54 24 Jul 17
I called Treebark to schedule an appointment with them. They arrived on time and were very professional, knowledgeable and asked some few questions about our termite problem and make a thorough inspection and explained everything what needed to be done. They treated & repaired the termite damage and after that, we don’t have any problems since. Thanks, Treebark for an amazing experience and service that gave to us. I owe you a big one.
Sandy Cunningham
05:21 18 Mar 17
Just had my quarterly service. I really like the technician who comes to do the services. My only complaint would be calling ahead so I can have my gates unlocked.
Next Reviews

Huntington Beach Termite Control


Subterranean Termites

Weather changes start triggering the seasonal pests Drywood and Subterranean Termites. The coastal temperature changes are often more dramatic than inland cities causing more pest activity. In the raining season of February March and April Subterranean Termites are triggered by the cool foggy mornings then sudden heat of the day after the clouds burn off from the California sun.


Drywood Termites

Drywood Termites swarm in the summer an extra time or two thinking that Fall has set in from the cool ocean air creating a temperature change of sometimes over 10 Degrees during the day. Those miserable days of heat the inland cities suffer through are repaid through increased termite activity. The Termites feel the heat like we do and when those coastal breezes in the afternoon cool us down they also trick the termites into thinking that the season is changing causing swarms.

Pest Control in Huntington Beach



Residents of Huntington Beach Love their Pets. Unfortunately for Huntington Beach Residents Pets often attract pests like Fleas which can really irritate the pets and their owners. Fleas like all pests are seasonal and occur during the spring/ summer months. Without a barrier to protect our pets, we are likely going to suffer through the infestation with our cat/dog until a professional eliminates the issues.


Roaches are yet another pest that Huntington Beach residents suffer through due to perfect temperatures and a fondness for animals. In most homes, pet food is left out for the pets to eat as they get hungry. This poses a constant food source under ideal breeding conditions for pests.

Treebark Termite and Pest Control System Eliminates Termites and Pests

Our unique system covers your home from all termites and general pest control by creating a barrier that is Naturally Derived your children and pets comfort and protection. The Ryania based Treebark Product (Chlorantrhoprole) is able to effectively control and prevent these pests and termites from returning. This treatment and barrier are applied free of charge during the warranty period and if by chance you see any signs we will return absolutely no charge to reapply the barrier to prevent any further signs.

Treebark Termite Control Drops The Ultimate Weapon

Are you having a problem with termites? Are you ready to drop the hammer on these pesky creatures and keep them from destroying your house? We are ready.

Look no further than Treebark Termite and Pest Control! Since the beginning of human history, we have been building things out of wood, especially our homes. And, since the beginning of history, we have had to deal with the recurring plague that is the termite. They creep in like thieves in the night and eat your home piece by piece, working hard to destroy what you worked hard to attain.

That’s where we come in. We are the ultimate controllers of termites! We have so many ways to find these little insects that I almost feel sorry for them! Just kidding! I don’t feel sorry for termites at all…I want to eliminate them! And I want you to hire us to eliminate them from your life forever. There’s just nothing worse than moving into the new home your planning to put down roots and make this your home for years…only to find out that the house came with hundreds or even thousands of tiny roommates. Call us today at (714) 406-4919 for a free estimate and you can begin the process of evicting all these little trespassers!

Why Choose Treebark Termite and Pest Control

At Treebark Termite And Pest Control, we know what a stressful experience it can be when you realize that termites are infesting your home. You may have already tried some poisons or repellents, and you probably haven’t gotten the results you wanted. We have been destroying termites by the thousands for a long time now, so we completely understand this. But before you go pulling your hair out or calling up the funny farm to admit yourself, give us a call first. You will see just how easy this problem is to a professional. Our trained professionals and advanced techniques will make it a snap.

The best part about our company is…Treebark isn’t just any bunch of exterminators. Oh, no! We are dedicating our lives to the eternal war against bugs! Rather than simply relying on conventional methods, we have utilized the latest research to help us perfect our extermination techniques.

But you might be thinking, “there are other termite companies near me…why would I choose yours? Well, I’ll tell you why! Because We have a secret weapon!

The Big Treebark Termite and Pest Control Picture


Our big problem with conventional methods is that most of them involve the use of highly toxic poisons. While these commercial poisons are capable of eliminating an infestation, they are also dangerous to other kinds of life. These kinds of chemicals can kill pets who happen to find them and can also be very harmful to small children. As if that weren’t enough, there is also the impact on the natural world to consider. Many of these poisons are difficult if not impossible to destroy. When conventional pesticides make it into the groundwater, fish swim through them and we are finding evidence in their flesh. When they are eaten by a bigger fish, the toxins are eaten along with them. And if a human comes along, catches that fish, and eats it….well, they will be exposing themselves to the toxins as well.

We as a company feel that poisons are an irresponsible choice as a method of termite control. There is just too much likelihood of harming people and creatures other than the pests that we want to get rid of. This is why we took our time and did the research, searching for the best and safest way to kill termites. After much searching, we finally learned about a certain type of tree called Ryania Speciosa, found only in South America. This tree is very interesting because it has exceptional resistance to all kinds of insects and pests, including our little termite friends.

Chlorantraniliprole For Natual Termite Control in Huntington Beach

This tree contains a chemical compound called Chlorantraniliprole, and it is this compound which is responsible for the trees’ amazing powers of pest control. From there it was a simple matter of figuring out a way to extract and purify this compound. As soon as we began testing this stuff, we realized that we had found nature’s ultimate weapon in the fight against termites! As part of our trials, we found houses were termites were infesting. On every single home we test, Every termite is gone in under 3 months, 98% within days. To this day, most of our houses remain free of all pests.

What really impressed us was the way that this chemical just wiped the termites out completely. It was like kryptonite to Superman or like sunlight to a vampire! It was like a silver bullet to a werewolf! Chlorantraniliprole didn’t just drive the termites away as a repellent would. It ANNIHILATES every last termite, every last egg, and every last trace of every last colony. It was as if they were never even there! And here’s some even better news: tests have shown that this treatment will keep termites away from your home for up to ten years! You couldn’t ask for a better value for your money than that!

Not worth the risks

Why would you mess around with toxic chemicals that might make you or your children sick, might kill your dog, and which are dangerous to the environment? These methods are no longer useful. They are a remnant of a time when people simply didn’t think too much about the stuff they were dumping into the environment and our homes. Just as we stopped using asbestos in our homes because it causes lung problems, it is time to stop using poisons as our main form of pest control.

Start with a Free Termite Inspection and Estimate

We will begin by doing a thorough termite inspection. This termite inspection will involve checking your entire house thoroughly in order to find exactly where the termites are hiding. With the years of hands-on experience that our inspectors have, they can usually identify the source of the infestation quickly. We know these bugs so well, they don’t even have a chance. And neither do those “other termite companies near me”! They can’t do what we do because they simply do not have our secret weapon!

Termite Damage Repair in Huntington Beach

In addition to pest control services, we also offer help with termite damage repair. Treebark Pest are reputable professionals who specialize in termite damage repair. We can repair any damaged wood that might have been caused by Huntington Beach Termites. We are doing major wood replacement for our current customers. Check out our reviews online

Natural Termite Control For Your Home

Because our revolutionary bug-destroying formula is naturally derived, it is far more convenient to use than standard pest control chemicals (i.e. poisons). You don’t have to vacate your house and go stay in a motel or at a friends’ house. No longer have to worry about the possibility of poisoning your pets or your kids as our label states that the risk of that is none. You can simply go on with your life and let us take care of that little tribe of insect squatters.

If you are ready to employ the very best in termite control, call us today at(714) 409-5501 and schedule your free estimate today! Don’t let those little trespassers eat even one more bite of your home! Act now and wipe them out like the invaders they are!

Call (714) 409-5501 or Use The Form Below to Schedule Your Free In Home Estimate